To the extent required by law, when Evrostandart EOOD collects personal information in this website, the company abides to the following rules:
- the company shall inform you in timely manner about its policies regarding personal information;
- personal information shall only be collected, used, delivered, or transferred with your express or implied approval;
- personal information shall only be collected for exact and clearly defined purposes. The information we collect is adequate and required for the purpose we collect it for;
- the company shall only use your personal information for the purpose it has been collected for or for which you have given your permission;
- the company shall employ adequate measures to ensure that your information is correct, full and up-to-date;
- your personal information shall not be used for direct marketing without providing you with opportunity to decline such use;
- the company shall employ adequate measures to protect your personal information, when it has been delivered to a third party.